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hAhB hChD hEhF hGhH hIhJ hKhL hMhN hOhP hQhR hShT hUhV hWhX hYhZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
future capital holdings ltd 16, 35, 42
SHARP hole saw cutter 7
s +key holes 6, 8
holiday at kerala +tree 35
holiday experts +trees 39
ATITHI leisure holiday +lea 39
CELEBRITY holiday retreat 16
CHERRAPUNJEE holiday resort 43
CHOC CELEBRITY holiday owne 16
HC holiday club +tree & bir 42
holiday 39
KESAR HILLS holiday homes 36, 37
KHC kids holiday camps 41
KUONI holiday pass 39
PAULO holiday makers 16
PAULO holiday makers phm 39
SILVER GREEN holiday enclav 43
SOTC holiday bazaar +square 39
SOTC holiday world +squares 39, 42
SOTC NAMASTE india holiday 16
SV3 your holiday manager 39
TIVOLI holiday village 37, 42
let's holiday +arrows 39
AMAZING asia holidays 39
ATLAS WORLD holidays 35, 36
ATLAS world holidays 16, 39, 42
BENZY holidays 16, 35
CHAITANYA holidays 39
CLOUD 9 holidays 39
CLUB 7 holidays +sun 39
CRIMSON holidays llp +bird 39
DEWAN worldwide holidays 39
DISCOUNT premium holidays 39
ESTIRE holidays & travels 39
GO india holidays +arc 39
HEART holidays +heart crown 39
HIMBJS holidays 39
INDICA holidays 16
IRIS holidays +circles 39
JUST holidays +sun 39
KAMATS holidays +spiral 16
M.P. holidays 39
MAITRI holidays 39
MASTI holidays +oval 16
NIT worldwide holidays 39
PABARI holidays 39
PARAS holidays +stars 16
PEOPLE holidays +sun 39
PML holidays +family & oval 39
PURPLE ORCHID holidays 39
RAJ holidays abroad +arcs 39
ROCKSHORE holidays +ship 16
SARI DUNIYA holidays 39
SBLT holidays +sun & trees 39
SELLEBRITY holidays & event 39
SITA 1001 holidays of india 39, 42
SOTC holidays of india 39, 42
SOTC 1001 holidays of india 39, 42
holidays 42
SUBURBAN travels & holidays 39
SUKUN fun holidays 39
TAJ holidays +hexagon 35
TAPASYA holidays & wellness 39
VH VEDIKA'S holidays +circl 39
WTC holidays +globe 39
YH YADE holidays 39
ZENITH holidays +sun 39
shri VENUS holidays +globe 39
west WINDZ holidays 39
PALKIN holistic fitness 16
VALEDA holistic wellness 42
mc3 holistic knowledge mgmt 16
holland & holland 14
holland +flower 35, 39, 41, 42
holland TWISTLOCK 6
ERU holland 1824 29, 30
HCA holland colours 2
holland & holland 14
hollyvid DIGITAL 16
hollywood & bollywood SH&B 16
hollywood MAX 30
hollywood MAX american cake 30
hollywood STUDIO 25
hollywood VAULTS 39
hollywood hd blended 33
H&B (hollywood & bollywood) 35
HW hollywood KIDS 38
HW hollywood MOVIES 38
HW hollywood desi tadka 38
PLANET hollywood +globe sta 16
LASER holograms +squares 16
holseler PATONDEKAR jewelle 14
FOBUS holsters & pouches 13
holy grail marketing +arcs 35
holy value +arcs 42
LAKSHMI holz +goddess 7
hom HARI OM +hexagon 24
SURABHI'S hom-clean 3
home & hospitality +woman 43
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